Registration now open


Registration now open +++

Cavalry cup

Saturday, october 26th - sunday october 27th  

804 Tustin St. Orange, CA 92867


804 Tustin St. Orange, CA 92867

  • The Standard Saber Division in The Saber Legion (TSL) is a classic 1v1 fighter division that features the use of a single saber. It highlights the essence of traditional lightsaber combat and showcases the skill and expertise of each fighter in a thrilling one-on-one competition.

  • The Standard Saber Division The Novice division is a variation of the Standard division. Its a category for fighter who are either unrated, have a rank of less than 1200, or have competed in less than 10 matches. It is a great opportunity for new fighters to gain experience and compete against opponents at a similar skill level.

  • Chance Cube Combat is an exciting variation of an Exotics tournament where fighters will roll a "chance cube" to determine which Exotics weapon type they will fight with in each match. Weapons will be available for all weapon types.

  • The goal of TSL is to allow members from every background to compete together in a safe, fun, and exciting way. The Unity tournament is another way we fulfill that mission by offering a continuous-fighting format with solid-contact rules. This is recommended for those with martial arts experience or want to do something that might feel more reminiscent of the fighting in the Star Wars movies. It is more demanding and does have a few more requirements. Attendees should be aware of the differences in requirements before attempting to participate in this event at any tournament.



Registered Fighters


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